Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider

Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear Divider

If you want a more permanent solution, you can achieve the smallest footprint sneeze guard available with our DIY aluminum base screw-on/ bolt-on versions. All of the hardware you need is in the box.
Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear
Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear
Quickclamp Secured Social Distancing Germ Shield Clear

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